DEAR LOTTERY GODS AND GODDESSES: Please. Just please. And if not me, then someone I know well. And if not them, then make sure whoever gets it does good with it. But really. Pick me!!! Please?
Dear Dad: Thank you for buying and sending me a copy of "The 5 Love Languages." I have been wanting to read this book for a couple years, and now I have it in my grips. I'm ready to learn, as always.
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Dear Liam: Thank you for petting my hair this morning on my way out of the door and telling me:
"I'm going to be four soon, and I'm getting bigger. But I will always be your Bubba."
Seriously, could you be anymore amazing?
So as a side note: This was prompted by the "you're not allowed to get any older" game that my friend Bri and I play with him. I was making dinner last night, and I said that I was going to cry on his birthday (just joking with him), and he says: "No you won't. You're going to have a cupcake. And chips. And that will make you happy." I wish you could all know him personally. This kid is something special.
Dear Collin: Thank you for choosing "Momma" as your first "kind of" word. We'll keep practicing. ;)
Dear Ray: Watching you push through this week has been nothing short of admirable. I know how much Jewel means to you, and she will always always always be with you. Her sweet spirit will carry on in your actions and in the love you give to others. She was one of most precious doggies I have had the pleasure of petting, and I will certainly miss her dearly, as well.
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Dear bladder: Any way that we could strike some sort of a deal where you didn't harass me every 20 minutes? I've got work to do. kthanks.
Dear semester: I will not be sad to see you go in 5 weeks. But I have learned a lot... including things about myself.
Dear work: You have kicked my ASS this week. My blood pressure is up, my stress level is through the roof, my body is tense. I am so glad that next week we'll have our trusty sidekick Ellen Bo Bellen back in the office with us. Aren't you, work?
....and finally....
Dear Brenny: If we win the lottery, let's not lose ourselves. Let's stay true to our values. Let's continue to show our boys what hard work and sacrifice looks like, and what selflessness means. Let's go on a trip together. Just me and you. Let's open the cafe we have always talked about. Let's still shop at Target. Let's be us, because no one will ever do that for us.
Linking up with Ashley for Friday's Letters! Check her out! :)
Dear Friends: What would you do with 540 million dollars?
Wishing you lots of luck in winning the Megamillions jackpot, and wishing you all a fabulous weekend!